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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 11/04/2013
Chichester Road Advisory Committee (RAC)
Minutes of November 4, 2013

Present: Terry McCormack, Dave Dobson, John Amsden, Stan Brehm, Jim Plunkett, Richard Millette, Philip Hitchcock

Absent: Doug Hall, Jeff Jordan, Tom Jameson

Meeting called to order at 6:30 P.M.
Stan MOTIONED to accept; with road name change, 10/28/13 minutes, Terry seconded, MOTION carried.

Terry thought Doug mentioned doing the Executive Summery section and that we would that that section wait for this meeting.

John asked that we look at the traffic counts section; Doug had told Jim the counts were the same as last year. Jim said he had e-mailed for counts again so we were working with currant Central N.H Regional Planning Commission figures.

Terry brought up that we were not 4 years out in this report.

Stan mentioned he was still working on section 5 and had done changes for two years out. He  will add considerations for 2016 & 2017 mentioning that as conditions change, so do plans and listed all sections not yet done.

There was discussion about the Map section and some wording “typo’s”(dirt should be referred to as gravel), 1 map versus 4 would be best for report and that we needed some clarification from Tom weather or not what he gave us  was for the 2014 Report or his

Town Meeting Presentation.

Committee was reminded that Doug Hall would not be at the next 11/18/13 meeting.

Sections of report that needed to be finished were brought up:
1. Section 5 to be finished by Stan.
2. Map section, needing clarification from Tom.
3. Executive summary, being done by Doug Hall?
4. Traffic Total Chart, Jim will get information from N.H. Regional Planning Committee.
Terry asked if there were any other Committee’s we needed to talk to before sending this report through. The committee believes we were all set.

Jim will ask Jeff Jordan at next selectmen meeting if a rough draft was acceptable.

Philip will ask Doug if he is going to put any thing together that’s needed for the selectmen.

John asked the committee to review section 6 for inconsistencies.

Dave mentions and reminded committee there could be a $100,000 difference for the same 1.1 miles of road depending on what needed to be done within that 1.1 mile.

Terry asked for any further discussion?

John had information on other town assessments and stated that it was difficult to get information from comparatives given to come together to compare. Committee thinks it best not to put comparatives into 2014 report for the town but to use at our committee meetings.

John Amsden made a MOTION to adjourn, Richard Millette seconded, MOTION carried.

Meeting adjourned 7:39 P.M.

Next Meeting date November 18, 2013

Submitted by,

Philip Hitchcock

Approved November 18, 2013

Terry McCormack, Chairman